Estimation of load carrying capacity of bridges based on damage and deficiency

Based on the answers from 18 road authorities in 16 countries this report examines the extent to which an estimation of the load bearing capacity of road bridges is made based on damage and deficiency.
The report firstly examines the Codes/Directives/Manuals used for the estimation of the load carrying capacity of road bridges and what triggers the inspection procedures that lead to the estimation of the load carrying capacity.
It then deals with the practice of road bridges inspections in different countries: type of inspection, frequency, bridge inspection personals, contents and state condition indices currently used.
The survey determines if countries are making an estimation of the load bearing capacity of road bridges and if so based on which data and according to which methodology.
At last, the report deals with traffic restriction. It reviews collection of actual field road data, the types of traffic restriction and alternative or mitigations measures.
Information sheet
- Date: 2016
- Author(s): Comité technique 4.3 - Ponts routiers Technical Committee 4.3 - Road Bridges
- Domain(s): Road Assets Management / Road Bridges
- Type: 2016R02EN - Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2016R02EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-366-5
- Number of pages: 156